Hues and Mews What Colors Do Cats Like?
Updated: August 25, 2023
Ever pondered over the enigma of your feline friend’s color preferences? Delving into their color inclinations might seem like a whimsical pursuit, considering the inability to directly consult our furry companions. However, a dash of scientific insight might just offer a window into their chromatic world.
Remarkably, cats and humans do not perceive the spectrum of colors in the same manner. While our vision is imbued with vibrant hues, cats’ eyes possess distinctive characteristics that limit their color perception. Their visual palette, unlike ours, is endowed with a narrower range.
Unlike humans, cats’ visual faculties are geared towards a restricted spectrum due to disparities in their ocular architecture. This biological divergence renders them partially colorblind, impeding their detection of red tones while discerning blues and greens to some extent.
Studies propose a striking analogy between the visual experience of colorblind humans and cats, where the former predominantly identifies blues and greens while remaining oblivious to red nuances. Essentially, cats’ color perception resembles that of a colorblind person.
Comparatively, cats surpass their canine counterparts in their capacity to discriminate a broader array of colors, although these colors often appear subdued. Aside from blues and greens, their visual world is predominantly painted in shades of gray.
In response to the inquiry, “What are a cat’s preferred colors?” the most plausible retort circles back to shades of blue and green. So, journey with us as we navigate the captivating realm of feline color vision, one that stands apart from our own.
What Do Colors Look Like to Cats?
In straightforward terms, the perception of colors in cats diverges significantly from that of humans. As previously explained, cats possess the ability to perceive solely green and blue shades. Consequently, when a cat gazes upon an object colored red, its visual encounter deviates drastically (refer to the accompanying chart). Conversely, if the object assumes a green or blue composition, the cat’s perception will entail a subdued rendition of those respective hues.
A captivating aspect emerges when considering objects of yellow origin. For a cat, an object of yellow semblance might translate into a shade reminiscent of blue or green, introducing an intriguing facet to their chromatic encounters.
What Does It Mean to Be Colorblind?
Cats share a similarity in color detection with individuals who experience colorblindness. Analogous to colorblind people, cats can discern certain colors through the gradients of gray they perceive. While cats possess the capacity to differentiate certain shades of blue and green, the majority of red shades appear to them as varying shades of gray.
Color Principles for Cats
It’s important to note that green is a result of combining yellow (a color your cat can’t see) and blue (a color your cat can perceive). As your cat’s visual spectrum is limited to blue and green, its perception of green differs from that of humans. The green that cats see appears muted due to their distinct perception of yellow.
Interestingly, when your cat encounters yellow items, they interpret them as variations of green or blue. This is due to the presence of both blue and yellow light within green objects. While your cat can’t directly perceive yellow, it can discern blue. The interplay between blue and the unseen yellow generates the appearance of green as perceived by cats.
In the realm of colors, when your cat comes across a purple object, their vision translates it as blue. This stems from the fact that purple is a blend of blue and red, both of which your cat can detect. Consequently, your cat is capable of recognizing elements of color within green or purple objects, as these colors comprise components within its visual spectrum.
However, the scenario is different when your cat encounters a red object, as red lacks blue or green components. Consequently, red appears markedly dissimilar to cats due to the absence of hues within their visual scope.
What Colors Do Cats Love?
Cats exhibit a pronounced affinity for shades of blue and green owing to their enhanced visibility in these hues. Among these, blue stands out as a particular favorite due to its heightened detectability by feline eyes. If you combine the color blue with a shimmering quality, you’re almost guaranteed to capture your cat’s focus.
The allure of metallic colors stems from their capacity to reflect light in a manner akin to movement. These reflective hues possess an uncanny ability to seize a cat’s attention, thanks to the acute sensitivity of their rod cells. As a result, the melding of metallic tones with shades of blue emerges as a captivating combination, effortlessly engaging a cat’s visual interest. This synergy capitalizes on the convergence of factors that render both blue and metallic colors highly conspicuous to feline eyes.
Can Your Cat See a Range of Colors?
Mammalian retinas comprise two categories of receptor cells: rods and cones. Similar to humans, cats possess both rods and cones within their retinas. Cones facilitate the transformation of light into color perception, whereas rods play a pivotal role in distinguishing black and white contrasts.
Visual Apparatus: Unraveling Cones
The ocular landscape is graced with three distinct variants of cones, each attuned to the recognition of specific colors. This trichotomy is categorized into cones responsive to red, blue, and green spectrums. It’s noteworthy that the human ocular composition dwarfs that of cats in terms of cone abundance. Humans lay claim to all three cone types, a composition that bestows them with trichromatic vision—embracing the full gamut of colors derived from the amalgamation of red, blue, and green light. This intricate capacity underpins the vibrant palette discernible by human eyes.

Contrastingly, feline ocular architecture comprises solely two sets of cones, confining their color spectrum exclusively to shades of blue and green. Moreover, the feline visual apparatus showcases a higher concentration of rods, surpassing the count of cones. This peculiarity enhances their prowess in discerning nuances of black and white, as well as variations in luminance, overshadowing their capability to perceive colors. This unique amalgamation of rods and cones gives rise to what is termed dichromatic vision—a perceptual realm centered on two distinct colors.
Eyes: Rods Described
Rods, the cellular agents responsible for night vision and peripheral awareness, flourish in two realms where cats exhibit remarkable proficiency—areas that starkly highlight their superiority over humans. This prowess is particularly evident in low-light conditions, an arena where cats astoundingly excel due to their overwhelming rod dominance. While rods predominantly enhance vision in dim settings, their influence on color perception is rather muted, mainly contributing to the apprehension of black and white contrasts.
Interestingly, your cat’s visual priorities don’t pivot extensively around a diverse spectrum of colors. Instead, their innate inclination leans toward motion detection. This penchant for movement holds the key to understanding why your feline companion becomes hyper-attentive at the slightest sign of motion. Whether it’s a nimble mouse darting across the floor or the playful sway of a string toy orchestrated by you, it’s the dynamic activity that arrests their focus, not the specific coloration of the object.
As you observe your feline companion’s hunting and playful antics, you’re likely witnessing their remarkable visual prowess in action. However, it’s important to recognize that their visual experience diverges significantly from ours as humans. Despite their impressive visual capabilities, cats have their limitations, particularly in terms of nearsightedness, as their long-distance vision isn’t their strong suit.
While your cat’s color perception may not be crystal clear, their adeptness at distinguishing objects from one another is primarily facilitated by their adeptness at detecting motion. The nuances of their visual encounters might not always be immediately apparent, but a keen observer can discern a pattern—a tendency for your cat to exhibit heightened interest in movement. Even the slightest motions, often overlooked by humans, can captivate a cat’s attention, underscoring their innate inclination to focus on dynamic elements in their environment.
What Exactly Do Cats See?
Feel free to explore the image below, illustrating the disparity between human and feline vision. The upper section presents the visual rendition as perceived by humans, while the lower part represents the equivalent image as cats would apprehend it.
For an expanded assortment of visuals akin to those showcased in the video, I recommend delving into Nickolay Lamm’s article titled “What Do Cats See?” This resource delves into the intricacies of feline vision and provides a deeper insight into their visual experience.
Should you wish to delve further into the intricacies of how cats perceive the world, the accompanying video offers a comprehensive breakdown of their visual realm. This resource promises a more nuanced exploration into the specifics of feline vision.
Your Cat’s Special Power: Night Vision

Despite their limited ability to perceive colors distinctly, cats possess impressive visual acuity, particularly in low-light conditions. Their exceptional night vision stems from their heightened sensitivity to variations in brightness. Astonishingly, cats thrive with a mere fraction—around 20% or even less—of the light intensity that humans necessitate for clear vision. This unique adaptation empowers cats with the extraordinary capacity to navigate and observe their surroundings with remarkable clarity, even during the dark of night.
Undoubtedly, night vision stands as a genuine superpower in the repertoire of cats. This remarkable prowess compensates handsomely for their lack of vivid color vision. The ability to possess such acute night vision emerges as a defining trait that fuels their prowess as exceptional hunters, particularly when operating under the cover of darkness. This extraordinary adaptation undoubtedly contributes to the awe-inspiring aura surrounding our feline companions, underscoring their mastery in the art of stealthy pursuit.
What Colors Can Cats See?
Cats primarily perceive shades of blue and green due to their ocular composition. Their vision is similar to that of colorblind humans who predominantly see blues and greens.
Why Do Cats Prefer Blue?
Blue captures a cat’s interest exceptionally well as it’s easily discernible to them. Pairing blue with shiny elements can be particularly effective in engaging your cat’s focus.
Why Are Metallic Colors Attractive to Cats?
Metallic hues possess a quality that mimics movement due to light reflection. Cats’ heightened rod sensitivity makes these reflective tones captivating, explaining their attraction to metallic shades.
Do Cats Like Red?
Cats, limited in their ability to perceive reds, might not be drawn to this color. Reds typically appear as muted shades to cats due to their unique visual spectrum.
What Role Does Movement Play?
Cats’ inherent fascination with motion is rooted in their evolutionary instincts as hunters. Even subtle movements can captivate a cat’s attention, often more than color itself.
How Does Night Vision Affect Color Preference?
Cats’ remarkable night vision compensates for their reduced color range. Their proficiency in low-light conditions, where color differentiation is less relevant, contributes to their preference for blue and green hues.
Are Cats Nearsighted?
Cats have impressive visual acuity, especially for objects nearby. However, their distance vision isn’t as sharp as their near vision.
Delving into the world of feline color perception unveils a captivating realm of contrasts and adaptations. While cats lack the vibrant color spectrum that humans enjoy, their vision is a marvel in its own right. The interplay of rods and cones in their retinas paints a unique portrait of their visual experience.
Cats, with their remarkable night vision prowess, exhibit a preference for shades of blue and green. The simplicity of these hues is offset by their heightened sensitivity to movement, a key factor in their instinctual hunting behavior. This attraction to motion, combined with their ability to see well in low light conditions, contributes to their adeptness as stealthy predators.
The fusion of blue and metallic shades creates an engaging palette for cats, one that aligns with their visual strengths. Whether it’s the glint of a reflective object or the subtlest of motions, these elements captivate a cat’s attention, underscoring their evolutionary adaptability.
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